
March 16–April 7, 2019

Tiger Strike Asteroid Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

featuring Yesenia Bello, Cameron Cameron, Cara Chan, Jisoo Chung, Devra Freelander, Hilliary Gabryel, Julieta Gil, Ling-lin Ku, Claire Lachow, Gracelee Lawrence, Amelia Lockwood, Ofelia Marquez, Nina Sarnelle, Rachael Starbuck, Amia Yokoyama, and Rachel Youn


Palms exhibited works by 16 artists. Transgressing the usual boundary to “look, but not touch” art objects, visitors were invited to touch, hold, and move the objects on display. With a direct, tactile understanding of the work, and a constantly changing curation depending on interaction, visitors were entrusted with a fluid, communal art viewing experience.